This Purim, GJC and Minyan Dorshei Derekh will once again run our Mishloah Manot tzedakah collective project, continuing a tradition of over a decade. It allows us all to fulfill two of the important mitzvot of Purim: mishloah manot (giving treats to our friends) and matanot la’evyonim (giving gifts to the poor).
Here’s how it works:
- You donate to the project – suggested minimum, $18, no maximum!
- Donations can be made via PayPal or by sending a check made out to “Germantown Jewish Centre, earmarked for the Purim Tsedakah Project, to the office
- The bulk of the proceeds is donated as tzedakah to three local organizations providing direct support to the needy.
- A small percentage of the proceeds will be used to provide aFair Trade Equal Exchange Chocolate bar + clementine each household attending the Charry Megillah Reading and/or the Dorshei Derekh evening Purim celebration Wednesday night, March 23.
- We are dispensing with the tradition of clementine cartons filled with goodies; families have been reluctant to take them. Rather than waste food, we are “minimizing the waste and maximizing the mitzvah“. By purchasing Fair Trade chocolate, the mitzvah of helping the poor support themselves is integrated into the ritual of mishloach manot!
1. We will once again be supporting a Weavers Wa
y Community Program, the community garden at Stenton Family Manor, a homeless shelter in Germantown. The grant helps a farm educator teach residents how to raise food. The produce raised is used directly in the kitchen to feed residents.

2. We will be contributing to refugee resettlement, via the
Hebrew Immigrant Aid Society, HIAS-PA. 

3. We will also support The Center For Returning Citizens, whose head Jondhi Harrell spo
ke at the Stefan Presser Social Justice Shabbat this past January.
The Center for Returning Citizens (TCRC) assists returning citizens in the transition from incarceration to society by providing job training, housing assistance, counseling services, legal aid, and referrals. TCRC helps individuals, families and communities with the adverse impacts of incarceration.