We look forward to celebrating our 10th wedding anniversary
with you this Shabbat, June 2.
Our service, which I will be leading, will include chanting
(with drum/ shruti) led by Leah Weisman. Jacob Staub will be our gabbai
rishon. Susan Windle will offer original poetry woven into the service,
and Neysa will offer the dvar torah reflecting on the sotah ritual and how we
suffer from the stories we create in our minds. The discussion will focus
on bringing awareness to these stories in support of our relationships.
Following services, we are hosting a sit-down kiddush lunch
(salmon, lasagna, quinoa-bean salad, cobbler with ice cream, pasta and pizza
bagels for the kids). Lunch is open to the GJC community (Masorti and
Charry will be joining us). Lunch will include a short program: singing,
a dvar torah by Rabbi Zeff, a historical perspective from our own Mitch Marcus,
who was instrumental in moving the process along to welcome our wedding at GJC,
and a blessing from our friends and mentors Susan Windle and Wendy Galson, who
have been together for 36 years.
In joy and appreciation,
Melissa and Neysa